Saturday, May 3, 2025
First Presbyterian Church Worship & Arts Center
Greenville, SC
10:30am, 1:30pm, 4:30pm

  • Playbill Ads - Open Now!

    Calling all businesses and family members! Purchase a playbill ad for your business or to give your dancer a shoutout. Playbill ads are open now!

  • Tickets Sales - Open Now!

    Ticket are on sale now.

    $12 pre-order, $15 at the door

  • Flowers - Coming Soon

    Surprise your dancer with a bouquet at their performance! Flower sales open on April 1st.

    $15 pre-order, $18 at the door, $5 single stem

Support Our Scholarship Fund with Flower Donations!

We’re thrilled to offer beautiful, hand-crafted bouquets, and we need your help! By donating flowers or purchasing our bouquets, you’re directly contributing to our Scholarship Fund. Every stem makes a difference in supporting our dancers. If you would like to donate flowers to our bouquets, please email:

Thank you for helping us bloom and grow the next generation of dancers!

Shop Our Merchandise Table and Support the Scholarship Fund

The merchandise table at our dance performance offers a variety of exciting items for sale, with all proceeds going directly towards supporting our scholarship program. By purchasing these items, you are helping provide opportunities for aspiring dancers to further their education and artistic growth. Your support makes a meaningful difference, and we appreciate your contribution to this worthy cause. Be sure to stop by and grab your merchandise while helping future dancers continue their training!